Monday, July 13, 2009

Quest Week 9

Hidey Ho Everyone. Thanks to the Sawmillers for hosting last week and to everyone who brought snacks! It was good eats! Next week we're at the Roddens and I'll hopefully have a plan and some dates to choose from for our nursing home trip.

Here's week 9's reading.
Quest 9

Monday, July 06, 2009

Quest Week 8!

Hey everyone! Y'all rock. Great discussion last week. This coming Sunday's meeting is at Sawmillers. Again, lots of reading so I got it posted as soon as possible.

Quest Week 8 Additional Reading (pdf)

Week 8 Reading

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Week 7 Reading.

Here is the reading for Week 7. Sorry it took so long to get it posted.
Quest 7

What I did to take my mind off things...

Jack on a speeder