Friday, December 17, 2010

How can you NOT love Buddy Jesus?

We sent out a mailer a week ago using the graphic seen in my last post. It depicts Santa, Waldo (from Where's Waldo fame), and Buddy Jesus. Buddy Jesus was a statue that a congregation used to regain some 'hipness' some years ago. Since then it has gained no small amount of Internet fame. I'd say he's a meme if there ever was one.

Anyway, the point of the mailer was to point out how we relegate Jesus to the same stature as the other two, making him a 'character' that we look for at Christmas. Hopefully it makes the point that Jesus is not a character but a real-life man who is also God who can do nothing other than change our lives if we actually 'found' him this Christmas. Well, I know the mailer can't say all of that but it points to the Christmas Eve service where it will be laid out.

Well, here is a phone call we received regarding Buddy. Click on the link below.

<<Click this link to Listen>>