Monday, July 18, 2011

Smarmy Tip of the Day - July 2011

smarmySomeone asked me this past week what app I thought of as a must-have. My first thought was Evernote.

Have you ever been somewhere when you needed a bit of info, like your kids social security number, or your vehicle VIN number or that recipe ingredient that you just can’t remember? I have. I come from a long line of forgetters. I can’t remember anything anymore. So when I found Evernote, my life became a lot easier.

Think of Evernote as an online notepad. You start out by going to and creating an account. It’s free. Do it. Now.

Now you see that you can add notes. It’s pretty straight forward. You can just add all your notes (or bits of any info) all in one big notebook or you can create separate notebooks for work, personal, a kids name, or anything.

So great you have stuff stored on this web site. Big deal right? Now here’s the beauty. You can download apps for windows, mac OSX, and your smart phone. These apps are all similar in that they all let you view all your notes, add new notes, and no matter where you add your notes (PC, mac, phone, web) they are ALL SYNCED to every device.

evernoteI have a laptop, desktop PC, android phone, Apple iPad, and other PCs I use at work. If I add a note from my laptop that note is on my phone within seconds. And that note will stay on my phone even if I don’t have Internet access.

The notes are very searchable and there are a couple of cool features worth mentioning.

  • Voice recording. If you hate typing on your phone, you can record a voice note that you can type out later.

  • Photos. You can take pics from your smartphone and upload them directly to Evernote. If you photo contains text or numbers, Evernote will recognize the words and you can search for it later! How cool is that? I took a pic of my license plate and if I search for the number on my plate it pops the photo up.

Even if you do not have a smart phone, Evernote is incredibly useful and could really save your butt when you need that bit of info. It’s Free! Get it!