Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Woulda Coulda Gunnu

I have many catch phases that pop from my mouth from time to time. My mind is not unlike a big, battered cardboard box. Now imagine that box closed up with a hole cut in the top. Shake it around a bit and you'll hear my memories rattling around in there. My mouth will utter these phrases as if you shook the box and something just fell out. Here are some of the phrases:

What the well well welfare (from a skit I heard in the 80s)

gonnu (as opposed to Going To or Gonna)

No wheres near

better than a sharp stick in the eye

well that's the bees knees (I think I originally heard that from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

Thank yee

Hell-the-frick-O (Overheard that in the hall of my dorm when someone answered the dorm phone)

Dum de deet dee dee, who-ah who-ah (MST3K)

There are so many more of these John-isms. I only realize that people have no idea where they come from when someone points them out to me. In my head they are perfectly normal things to say. There are precious few of you out there (and you know who you are) who'd know more than a few of these. We all have things like this that pop from our mouths from time to time. What are yours?