Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When we first got our travel approval (TA) we had a list of documents to check off and make sure we took with us. Any of these documents, if left behind, could really screw up our adoption process or the procedure of getting out of China with Eme.

So, needless to day, I was freaking but after going through the list we found we had everything. Phew right?
Well we got our detailed itinerary and along with it came a LONGER list of documents. Why they didn't send that list first, I have no idea. So tonight I again slogged through our stacks of paper just dreading that one document that would be missing. But thank God, we had everything we needed.

Thank you all for your prayers as we have less than a week to go before we take off for China. I'm trying to make sure my tech team is ready to take on the extra load (which my only fear is that they'll realize how little I add to the team heh). They know their stuff and I'm not stressing it.

Erin is trying to get through a mountain of a workload before we go. Continue to pray for her as she has too much on her plate and her plate is huge to boot. If you've ever taken a Strengthfinder test you may remember the Responsibility strength which means she feels that she personally needs to do everything and do it well. It's hard for her to walk away from the work.

Your prayer here would be appreciated.

Less than a freaking week, people!

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