Monday, May 04, 2009

I've done it! Mwa ha ha ha

omnia.pngI've been enjoying my Samsung Omnia (i910) for quite a while now. it's a great phone that sports a nifty interface, speedy performance, wifi, good bluetooth, awesome form factor and just about every feature a smartphone should have. My biggest gripe about the phone has been that Verizon has deemed to disable the built in GPS chip (or rather crippled it) to only work with it's own VZ Navigator (for fees) software.

Saturday night I updated my phones firmware ROM following instructions from the great phone site MoDaCo. I really did it to gain some functionality other than GPS but got to test it today and indeed it works. It really needs to be in a window to work due to a week receiver? But man is it nice to make your hardware do what it was designed to do and what we have as consumers, the right to do.

The upgrade should also improve the battery life, fix a low volume issue, give some interface tweaks as well and I look forward to fiddling with it.

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