Friday, May 01, 2009

I hate phone companies

dr-evil_vzw.jpgOk, my boss Dan just got his 23rd phone (exaggeration) and he and I went thought and it was down to the Samsung Saga (windows mobile) or the Blackberry Storm. He went to the store today and picked up the storm and was told that it would sync his email, calendar, and contacts through our Exchange server that we host here at work. Well guess what. It WILL sync email but not calendar or contacts. If you want those two features, you have to add Blackberry Enterprise add ons for Exchange. BOOO. Here's my rant points:

  1. Boo Blackberry for making someone either add expensive, enterprise software

  2. Boo Blackberry for making us use USB cables to do anything useful with our phone

  3. Boo Verizon for not making it super clear before the customer goes home what the phone can and can NOT do

  4. Boo to the customer service reps who are apparently ignorant of their products and services.

Is it really that hard???

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